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21:35 - 23 October 2004

Your Full-Length Astrology Report


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Karma Report for

October 2, 1958

8:19 AM

Halifax, NS Canada 
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Introduction to Karmic Astrology

The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits and even phobias that defy explanation by conventional methods.

This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective.

It is written in simple language, avoiding the use of astrological terms as much as possible. For the interest of students of astrology, relevant astrological references are made at the top of each section.

Chapter 1:  Most Important Prior Life Experiences

In traditional astrology, the Twelfth House represents your self-undoing, hidden matters and the subconscious process. It is believed that we carry karmic memories in our subconscious, and that these subconscious memories can undermine our current life efforts.

When we remove the walls created by subconscious fears and guilt, we find that the path to personal transformation lies beyond.

If, arthur, in your chapter you find a number of descriptions of planets placed in your twelfth house, consider exploring your hidden self through past life regression.

12th house cusp in Libra

Secret alliances and clandestine relationships may be your undoing. You keep your desire for luxury, beauty and harmony to yourself. You have a deep sense of justice and fair play.

Look for a significant prior lifetime relating to the law or justice, arthur, (either side of it), or in art, or in a position where refined social skills were required. Other possible past life experiences may have been in counseling or in social work.

Libra 12th House, Libra Rising

Co-operation and harmony are still of great importance to you. Your strong sense of fair play comes from the lessons you learned in your prior life, where you were either the giver or the receiver of justice.

Sun in 12th House

In a prior life you exerted your power over weaker individuals with no remorse. You may have abused your authority within a leadership position, arthur, or have been an over-dominating parent. This life time may bring difficulties with superiors or a difficult father-child relationship.

KARMIC LESSON: Learn to respect those of lesser stature or personal power will remain out of reach, causing you to submit your will to the will of others.

Mercury in 12th House

You may have utilized communication skills in a matter which benefited you at the expense of others, such as malicious gossip, using personal influence in the media to cause another harm. In this life, arthur, you may be hesitant to express yourself or there may be a speech, visual or learning disability.

KARMIC LESSON:  Good judgement can determine what should be communicated and what should not.

Chapter 2:  Saturn (The Great Teacher)

The source of many of our self-imposed restrictions can be found in the placement of the planet Saturn. The location of Saturn in a horoscope represents the area of life where we have to learn the greatest lessons. It is through these lessons that we grow and improve.

Just like your least liked teacher in school, Saturn's lessons require hard work and self-discipline. And like the lessons from that teacher, Saturn's lessons are not easily forgotten. The lessons you learn help you to find order and security in your current life.

When a lesson from a prior life was not learned, you can experience inexplicable guilt or self-restriction. Exploration of the unlearned lessons of Saturn can free you to use all of your natural talents.

Saturn in 2nd House

When it comes to money and finances, arthur, you are a very serious person. Regardless of your true financial circumstances, you feel that you are one step away from poverty. If you do not have any material wealth, you find money difficult to come by. If you do have wealth, you are very thrifty, to the point of miserly, holding on to every cent "just in case".

You may hang on to a job because it provides steady income, even though it is not fulfilling at all. Guilt arising from prior life experiences where you, or those in your charge were deprived of the basic necessities, can be a great incentive for limiting yourself in this manner.

On the positive side, arthur, you can discipline yourself to adapt to any financial circumstance, thus learning the true value of money and resources in your life. On the negative side, you can continue to be fearful of losing your financial resources.

When you examine the reasons for your current behavior, you can restructure your ideas on wealth and resources. Then you can begin to rid yourself of the guilt of prior experiences.

Saturn Trine Uranus:

You are able to remain calm in critical situations. In prior lives you survived chaos, revolutions and natural disasters. These past life memories can make your current life seem tranquil in comparison, arthur. You are capable of enduring very tense situations for a long time. You are persistent in your quest for knowledge, arthur, giving you natural teaching abilities. Take care with your physical well-being when under stress for prolonged periods of time.

Chapter 3:  Jupiter (Your Karmic Gifts)

Personal karma is not necessarily negative. You bring to this life certain talents and interest which enable you to expand your horizons. Often overlooked for its karmic value, the placement of the planet Jupiter in your chart can tell you about your karmic gifts.

Jupiter describes spiritual rewards as well as the area of your current life where you may experience material gains.

The lesson of Jupiter is best described as the acceptance of the law of karma. The rewards you reap in this life time come from your prior life's good deeds, and your future benefits (this life or another) are the rewards of your present fair dealings and generosity.

Jupiter in Scorpio

You have strong beliefs based on deep emotional feelings, arthur. Your are intensely private about your personal philosophies you have a great sense of determination and willpower.

Your prior life in a business relating to other people, such as insurance, estate planning, fund management or funerals has given you the ability to keep other people's business confidential.

Jupiter in 1st House

You are optimistic, sociable and honest.  You have a belief in divine Providence which does work for you, arthur, and you are seen as a fortunate person. Your prior life as a social, educational or spiritual leader has influenced your self-image in this life.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune:

Spiritual understanding in prior lifetimes enabled you to relinquish personal ambition and power in favor of a greater Power. Inspiration came to you in philosophical, psychic or artistic matters. Your past life memories give you empathy and psychic gifts, arthur, along with a generally optimistic attitude. Your concern is to temper your optimism with common sense; you tend to see positive outcomes for every situation, when in fact, the opposite may be true.

Jupiter Sextile Pluto:

You have experienced many transformations and upheavals in prior lifetimes, arthur. These karmic memories have given you a great deal of inner strength and power. You are very strong-willed and you have a definite sense of right and wrong. You may possess many research and diagnostic skills necessary for promoting the healing process in yourself and in others. Your past life experiences enable you to face the challenges ahead with the understanding of the need for change.

Chapter 4: Nodes of the Moon (Your Karmic Doorways)

The point on a horoscope chart called the North Node of the Moon is not actually a planet, but can be thought of as a doorway from your current life to your future. And, its opposite point (the South Node of the Moon) can be thought of as a doorway from your past life to your current one.

These two sensitive points can show you what goals you are concerned with in this life, arthur, and what habits from prior lives are holding you back from reaching those goals.

North Node of the Moon in Libra

Personal advancement and gain were important to you in prior lifetimes. Your sense of self-importance was exaggerated, arthur, and you may have used your physical attractiveness to gain undue advantage.

The drive and competition you have exhibited in past lives is still evident today. This time around you need to learn to work with others as opposed to your former "lone wolf" style.

You have probably spent past lives as a soldier, explorer, pioneer or inventor.

In this life, arthur, you have many strong likes and dislikes and you are not afraid to let people know what they are. You can be envious of the advantages others have, thus making you bitter about your own lot in life.

In order to maintain the balance between your two karmic doorways, arthur, you need to learn that selfishness will only increase your bitterness. The joys of sharing and cooperation will bring you untold personal satisfaction. Use your strong sense of justice for the betterment of humanity, not only to advance your personal cause.

Chapter 5: Planets in Retrograde (Reversed Energies)

If there is no interpretation in this section, it means that there were no retrograde planets at the time of your birth.

Planets in a horoscope chart which are marked as being in retrograde motion, hide or reverse the true energy of that planet.

From a perspective of past life experiences, this usually means that some experience in a prior lifetime was so negative that the individual refuses to use that planetary energy in any manner.

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